case - Waterschappen centrale distributie laag

A watertight data overview

The 21 water boards in our country make sure that we have dry feet and sufficient clean water. The Central Distribution Layer developed by Geodan - a single central counter for water data - combines all of their location data. This lets the water boards and their partners - such as ProRail, municipalities, and provincial governments - find the exact status of all dikes, locks, and pumping stations.


Drowning in data

The Netherlands has 21 water boards that collect location data from Limburg to Groningen. So much data, in fact, that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to bring this management and maintenance data together and share it with each other and their partners. In order to prevent the water boards from drowning in their own data, the Waterschapshuis - the umbrella organization for water boards - asked Geodan to develop a single central counter for water data.

The solution

One central counter for water matters

The Centrale Distributie Laag (Central Distribution Layer) collects all water board data on a daily basis and integrates it into one national and uniform open data set that is accessible to everyone. Convenient, for example, for municipalities and provinces that do a lot of business with the various water boards that are active in their area. Thanks to this layer, they don't have to approach the water boards individually in order to find out where certain waterways and barriers lie, and get a general idea of where certain work or area development is allowed, and where not. Convenient, right?

The result

Fluid data sharing

Thanks to the Central Distribution Layer, the water boards can now collect and share their location data more easily, saving time and improving data quality, because all data is now checked and disclosed according to the same standards. This allows the water boards to create better visions. They are already preparing for the Environmental Planning Bill, which will ensure that everyone - from co-governments to citizens - can easily access data to implement spatial plans.

One counter for water data: an ocean of solutions

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