case - Stichtse Rijnlanden vergunningaanvraag

Quickly apply for a permit at Stichtse Rijnlanden

Do you live in Utrecht or surroundings? And do you want to build a jetty or extend your house on the water? It’s possible that you need to apply for a permit at water authority Stichtse Rijnlanden of the municipality. The Legal Rule Engine gives you an easy way to find out if you can get started with your building plans.

Less red tape

If you want to build something near the water or a dike in the Netherlands, you might need a water permit to do so. For many people, it can be quite an ordeal to find out which papers they need before they can start working on a certain location. This often leads to a wrong request, or people may just decide to start working without a permit. If worst comes to worst, the water board will then point out that they have to dismantle their newly-constructed jetty. The Stichtse Rijnlanden water board wanted to avoid this kind of red tape and consulted Geodan.

Victor van Katwijk

Want to know more?

Victor van Katwijk

Please feel free to contact us. Victor van Katwijk is our expert in this field.

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The solution

Certainty, just a few clicks away

The Geodan Legal Rule Engine is a user-friendly online tool that includes all water permits and notifications from Hoogheemraadschap (Dutch water board) De Stichtse Rijnlanden, as well as other permits from municipalities, provinces, and the government. A map lets you indicate precisely where you want to do what. Next, you answer a number of questions about your plans. And then you’ll immediately know whether or not you need a permit or notification from the water board or other authorities. It’s a snap.

The result

Less time, better quality

Which permit do you need? Where do you get it? What else do you need to think about? The Legal Rule Engine lets you easily find answers to all of these questions. And water authority De Stichtse Rijnlanden receives fewer unnecessary or incorrect permit applications and messages, saving a lot of time and energy.

Looking to apply for a permit? Just check the app