case - Visualisatie warmtetransitie

Location intelligence: guiding the heat transition

The national government, housing corporations and homeowners are faced with a massive challenge: the Netherlands must have stopped using natural gas completely by 2050. This calls for heat transition in the built environment. Special measures must be implemented for individual buildings to reduce the demand for heat, including home insulation and switching from natural gas to alternatives such as electricity, geothermal energy, ‘green’ gas and hydrogen. Location intelligence helps to visualise the various heat strategies available, which, in turn, enables local authorities to make decisions based on data.

Informed decisions

By the end of 2021, all local councils in the Netherlands must have a Heat Transition Plan in place to achieve the targets set out above. This plan specifies when districts and neighbourhoods will stop using natural gas.
An alternative infrastructure must be in place for those areas which are abandoning natural gas in 2030. But how do you create such a Heat Transition Plan? Where do you start? For many local authorities, this presents a tough challenge.
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving) developed six heat strategies for all Dutch municipalities and neighbourhoods, identified their consequences, and calculated this using the Vesta MAIS model. Local authorities can now make informed decisions based on these results.

Peter de Graaf

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Peter de Graaf

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The application plays a key part in creating high-quality reports and plans and facilitates solid decision-making


Visualising heat strategies

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency/Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving subsequently asked Geodan to host the outcomes of these six heat strategies as an online service and visualise them as digital maps in a web application. The application enables local authorities to compare the different strategies, analyse their implications and download the underlying data for personal use. The application makes maps, data and features available that enable councils to draft, compare and modify their plans.


High-quality plans and sound decision-making

Since drafting the Heat Transition Plan and implementing the heat transition plans could potentially have a radical impact, these plans must be drafted transparently, objectively and with care. The web application created by Geodan provides access to scientifically tested data in the form of maps, tables and reports. The application plays a key part in creating high-quality plans and reports and facilitates solid decision-making.

If you work for a local authority and are interested in the application, request an account for the ‘Start Analysis’ from the Heat Expertise Centre (Expertise Centrum Warmte).