Kennis&innovatie Connect020.jpg

Connect020 gets residents moving

Approximately one third of the energy consumed by the Netherlands goes to the urban environment, where it is used for heating, lighting, and appliances, for example. Municipalities are therefore looking for ways to encourage building owners and residents to make their homes more sustainable. The Connect020 project - a collaboration between De Twee Snoeken, TransformCity and Geodan, is a major step for the municipality of Amsterdam.

‘There are two key challenges when it comes to the energy transition in the urban environment', says Geodan’s Ilco Slikker. ‘First of all, different parties - such as housing corporations, network operators, energy suppliers and both local government and the national government - must work together to get sustainability concepts off the ground and expand them. In practice, however, projects involving more than three parties often end up falling flat due to different interests and agendas. Second: residents need to become aware of their own behavior and take action themselves, for example by investing in solar panels, natural gas, or extra insulation for their homes. These are often costly decisions to make, which have a direct impact on people’s homes and surroundings.’

Linked housing and policy information

The Connect020 project sees Architectural firm De Twee Snoeken and start-up TransformCity join forces with Geodan. Ilco: 'With the WoonConnect housing information system, De Twee Snoeken provides detailed housing information for buildings and individual residents, while Geodan provides environmental information from the policy world. GeodanMaps and the PICO platform, which consists of energy usage data and models, are but two examples.’ By combining and visualizing these different types of data in detailed 2D and 3D maps, all stakeholders get clear insight into the different interests, possibilities, and costs of a sustainability project. Ilco: 'TransformCity, which focuses on building sustainable local communities and creating support for area transformations, then opens up dialogue with those involved. This joint approach significantly increases the chances that the sustainability project will succeed!'

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Saving money on energy

Connect020 showed the residents of a number of rental and private homes in Amsterdam Zuidoost how their individual choices would affect their energy bills. Ilco: 'From installing solar panels, a heat pump, or insulation, to the effects of shorter and less frequent showers. The living coaches of TransformCity then started a conversation with the residents about the outcomes and their housing wishes. The result was a sharp increase in awareness and a greater willingness to take specific steps toward sustainability.' The insights gained are also of great value for municipalities and housing corporations, as it lets them (better) adapt their policy to residents’ wishes and needs, so that they’ll actually take action.

“The result?” A sharp increase in awareness and willingness to take specific steps toward sustainability.'

Ilco Slikker